Gen Y: Do You Know Them?

I just finished Michael McQueen’s, The New Rules Of Engagement. Its a “guide to understanding and connecting with Generation Y,” as the subtitle indicates, and it offers engaging, informative and fun insights into the kids who will shape tomorrow’s world. The author is himself a member of the Millennials, the 50 million strong generation of 18-29 year olds. They are a different breed, these kids, and you’ll find yourself appreciating the wisdom – and humor – of McQueen as he gently guides older readers into the minds and hearts of Gen Y.

Educators, employers and parents need to know this information. McQueen, who hails from Sydney, Australia, writes and speaks to thousands of young people and knows of what he speaks. Not an overly scholarly treatise, this book is a quick read that will educate and equip you to understand the kids you’re hiring, training and raising – and to tap into their creativity and power.

BTW, my 18 yr-old son heard the author speak, and was feeling rather empowered by the things shared. Seems McQueen nailed the perspectives and motivations of Gen Y pretty well!

Consider getting copy, and know you’ll find the information well worth your investment of time and money.

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