Archives for : Glenn Beck

The Glenn Beck Phenomena

A few years ago I read an article profiling the now uber-popular Glenn Beck. He said something that struck me, about his foray into television, books, magazines, live events, and a robust online presence, something to this effect:

Everything I’m doing (related to touring, writing, and television) is to support my radio program. The radio is how I connect with people’s hearts and minds.

Again, that’s not a direct quote but it captures his sense of the power of radio, in particular, to get a message out.  Rather than merely tapping into every media channel, Beck is using his media efforts to support and strengthen just one medium: his radio program.

Hold that thought for a moment and consider the following item. At one talk radio website it was recently suggested that Beck’s unique messaging is what really makes him special:

Beck’s own mega-success is driven by his special talent for conveying a unique personality and world view that resonates with a distinctive (and sizable) audience.  It’s not about having a TV show, radio program, book deal, newsletter, website and speaking gigs; it’s about — to paraphrase the cliche — having a very special take and being exceedingly good at sharing it via those channels.

While I think his personality and his style are compelling (or if you are a Beck-hater, I guess they are most irritating), it is Beck’s ability to really harness media – in pretty much every shape and form – effectively that has led to his wild success.

Look, an extremely talented person with no media exposure will not be well known. There are probably some great communicators out there that we’ve never heard of – and many we’ll never know. Talent alone won’t get you a huge following.

As we’ve seen, though, many people lacking in talent (can you say Snooki?) have gained popularity through their wise, or perhaps lucky, use of media channels.

So is it the personality and his/her talent, or the medium/media, that makes popularity and success possible? Obviously a combination of both! And while I like a lot of what I see in social media, and I’m a big fan of multi-media messaging, I’m still quite bullish on radio. It does what other media can’t – it typically talks 1:1 with its listeners, giving much more than information – it gives values, heart and passion. If you listen to Beck, that is what he is delivering to his radio audience. He does that somewhat on his television show and online. His live events, I’m told do connect emotionally with people. But the greatest audience for this heart (soul?) connect with people is through radio.

Just remember what we might call “The Beck Principle:” radio makes a great connection with a great audience possible.