Facebook At Work?

According to a recent study, reported in MediaPost, use of Facebook by workers is causing a measurable loss of productivity. For instance,

  • Those who access Facebook at work do so for an average of 15 minutes each day
  • 87% of those who access Facebook at work couldn’t define a clear business reason for using it

So, how about you? Here’s what I’d like to know:

  1. Do you access Facebook, Twitter or other social media at work?
  2. If so, do you visit these sites for work-related reasons?
  3. What’s the average amount of time you are on social sites per day while at work?

Leave a comment — I’ll be in contact with one respondent, randomly chosen, to receive a free book.

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Comments (5)

  1. Andrew

    1. I access Twitter at work.
    2. I do use Twitter primarily for work-related purposes as many of the individuals and companies that I work with use the tool as well.
    3. Probably 10-15 minutes of my day is spent reading Twitter feeds (that doesn’t include the articles and such that they link to).

  2. Shelley

    I access facebook a LOT at work….I’m a radio announcer so i find it great for onair content and contacting interview guests, and it’s also good for keeping up-to-date with their news.

    Having said that, you need to troll through a lot of other not-so-work-related stuff to get to the gold…and yes i get sidetracked commenting the walls of my friends too. I leave facebook open on my computer for most of the day and would estimate that i’m actually actively USING it for maybe 45min to 1 hour per day.

    I’d like to think that I can justify it – I think my job would be a lot harder without it, and I wouldn’t be as “in-touch” with current issues that are of interest/concern to people. That’s what I keep telling myself, anyway!!

  3. Michelle

    I use fb at work during my 3-hr morning radio show. After that I turn it off and don’t access it again until my lunch break or when I go home.

  4. I do use Facebook at work. During my four-hour radio show I solicit comments from listeners and friends alike on the things that we’re talking about that day. I also use it to find out what people are talking about, and what the latest buzz is. For some people it’s also a faster point of contact than e-mail.

  5. Amy

    I use Twitter and FB at work for gauging public sentiment toward the companies I work with. We use the data to improve our online responses to customers on our website and in social media arenas. Usually use the tools (and others) an average of 1-2 hours per day.